Father’s Day: Better Dad Better Business

Read Time: 2 min

Hey Hey, it’s almost Father’s Day! High five to the entrepreneur daddy out there pursuing your dreams.

When I became a father, I knew I had to step up my game and become a better me. It’s why I changed my eating habits, why I embraced a growth-seeking mindset, and why I left a passionless corporate job.

This special day is a time to celebrate those awesome men who have helped to raise us. It’s also a great opportunity for Dad’s to reflect, pivot, and prioritize their lifestyle.

Check out these three strategies to help you shake things up and get back in the game with more energy, alignment, and passion.

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Get Weird and Claim Your Freedom

Read Time: 2 min

The best freedom is being yourself.” – Jim Morrison

In my life, freedom means having the flexibility to maneuver in some big areas such as thought, emotion, time, location, finances, etc.

What does freedom mean to you?

As you build your business and experience your journey, it’s important to remind yourself that you are awesome no matter how weird you think you are.

Here are three strategies you can implement to help claim your freedom right now.

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Believe and Bounce Back

Read Time: 2 min

Wazzzup! It’s been another great holiday weekend. I’m excited for those who have taken the time to reconnect with themselves and are now feeling refreshed.

But, what about those who had a negative experience? Perhaps there was a major setback or maybe like me you ate a little too much pizza and are feeling blah. What can the rest of us do if we’re not feeling our best?

The good news is…

There is a solution available to you right now.

The bounce back from adversity is always available to those who desire it. The road back starts with your belief.

What you believe shapes who you are. (Truth bomb!)

Take a break. Pull back and reevaluate.

Here are some tips you can use to help recharge and nurture yourself after a setback or just a rough weekend.

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A Self-love Poem From The Past

Read Time: 3 min

Recently, I read an amazing poem that was “allegedly” written by a 70-year-old Charlie Chaplin on his birthday. Yes, that dude. The one who starred in so many silent films between 1920 and 1950.

There is a theory floating around the Internet (and we know the Internet is the absolute truth, Lol).

The theory is that the poem was translated from the book, When I Loved Myself Enough, by Kim and Allison McMillen. I haven’t read that book, so I can’t confirm the connection.

Either way, I’m not concerned with who wrote it.

I think it’s brilliant and worth embracing, especially if you are a new entrepreneur or a dreamer. If having Mr. Chaplin’s name attributed to the poem, caused it to land in my social feed, then rock on. I’m cool with that. Thank you.

Check out this amazing self-love poem which may or may not have been written by the great Charlie Chaplin.

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Keep On Trucking

Read Time: 2 min

The holiday weekend is over. There hasn’t been much progress in your side business. In fact, others seem to be successful, yet you’re scratching your head wondering when is it your turn.

A quick overview shows you that:

You’re overwhelmed and feeling stuck.

Let’s be honest you’ve lost your spark.

Where do you go from here?

It’s your journey, and you are the star of the show. The story is developing right in front of you, and it’s dependent on your action or lack of action. Either way, the story goes on with or without your help.

So the question is: What are you going to do about it?

Here are three disciplines to help you shake things up and get you moving toward your dreams.

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