Why Do You Write Poetry?

Wazzuppp Poetry boy? Why poetry?

In the video below I answer that question.  I’m also curious, why do you write poetry?  Why do you do that special thing that makes you unique? Who is the real you that you want you to be?

Check out the video. Please leave a comment on YouTube and let me know your thoughts.

Why Poetry?

I love writing poetry
It’s the voices in my head
I listen to what they say
And I write down what they said

I love to greet the sunrise
And the sunset at night
The Moon showing up for me
Knowing when to shine its light

For me, my writing is all about self-love and appreciation for the beautiful things in life. My goal is to pursue joy and I’ve found my writing helps me on my journey.

I want to hear from you. Why do you do what you do?

Happiness and Harmony,

Jace Jacobs

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There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.